I'm Glad


As we all sit and wait for this crummy time to pass into better times (Just as the cattle in our field did today). Just know I’m glad. 

I myself am guilty of forgetting these things at times... although I know a lot are. Before Covid19 hit.. I would often find myself questioning why some things became a lost tradition in our everyday lives. The world coming to a halt, was almost like the world got a reset it needed. There’s a lot of factors that come into play. However... 

 I’m Glad

I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize.

I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize how long 14 days without your grandparents is. So maybe you should make more time to see them when you can. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people be kind to others... to step up to the plate in pure selflessness.

I’m glad a world pandemic made people sit down and play a game with their kids. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people explore their backyard or get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people cook in their own kitchen. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people make time for the things they love.

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize how valuable time can be if we don’t waste it. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people understand that all the extra in your life isn’t a necessity.

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people finally say a prayer. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize putting your health first is wise. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize this is why we save money. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize if you don’t enter the four walls of a church every Sunday... you can still have faith. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize farming is ESSENTIAL. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize there’s a lot of lessons that can be learnt outside of a classroom. 

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize... “it takes all kinds to make the world go round” ... all kinds of careers and jobs.

 I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize nothing can replace the affect & effect of human interaction.


In 2011 everyone started saying “YOLO” as a rite of passage to do ridiculous things. It was stated mainly by millennials.

I laugh because I feel as though the gen X, the baby boomers etc. Are the new millennials. They’ve figured out technology and their smart phone enough to consume hours reading things on the internet and relying on their phone etc for many forms of communication and navigation.

So now instead of one generation being stuck on their phone, caught up with the hustle & bustle of life and out of touch with the simple beauty of life... we have multiple generations. 

I’m glad a world pandemic made people realize... “YOLO” is still a trend. You only live once. So although it has taken a pandemic... I hope people including myself remind ourselves. Remind ourselves the hustle and bustle of everyday life, building a career, making money, socializing with friends... sometimes is worth pausing every once in a while. Hopefully next time you pause isn’t because a world pandemic forced you to. It’s because you truly are taking time to enjoy your family or those you care about. Because after all... you only live once. For Covid19’s gentle reminder of what matters…

~I’m Glad~

Jodie Aldred